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My name is Sue-Ellen Shook. I have been in the entertainment industry for 37 years, dancing, singing, acting. I met Anthony Pepe in 2010 for the first time when we worked together in The Production Companies 'Boy From Oz'. We did two seasons in Melbourne and one in Sydney with a production of 'Sugar' in between. This energised, gifted, hard-working young man was not only impressive on stage but as a person. We very quickly became friends and have been since. Anthony has been teaching all three of my children, Coleman for 5 years, Cameron and Cierra for 1 year. He coaches me for auditions and I have recommended him to many of my dance students who are interested in musical theatre or other singing genres. The feedback is always the same. He is patient, enthusiastic, encouraging, knowledgeable and thorough. He brings out the joy of singing whilst imparting important technical information, creating a sound base from which he builds confidence, repertoire and skill in his students. Coleman is currently in a musical in Japan and is continuing to learn from Anthony remotely. If there was a perfect recipe for a singing teacher, experience, passion, care, knowledge and work ethic, Anthony is the cake.

Sue-Ellen Shook

Professional Performer

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